My Blinkie


My TOU and Some Info

Just a note about
my tuts I dont tell
all my secrets lol
like how I do the
glow on a name etc.
I also have no
control over the
FTU supplies
I am sorry but
sometimes the
kits are for a
limited time free
or just disappear,
I will share
masks etc ONLY
if the tou of
the creator allows,
You can easily find
another mask or kit
to use in place of
what I have used
on my tuts, I write tuts
as I create a tag,

I hope you all
enjoy them and
I thank you
so much for
taking the time
to stop by my blog

People I follow


Leave me a note

Proud Member



My License's

Suzanne Woolcott, TooshToosh, CILM, MPT, CDO, PTE, My Tag Art, My Tubed Art, Zindy Nielsen, PSP Tubes Emporium, Keith Garvey, PFD, I also enjoy FTU artist