My Blinkie


My TOU and Some Info

Just a note about
my tuts I dont tell
all my secrets lol
like how I do the
glow on a name etc.
I also have no
control over the
FTU supplies
I am sorry but
sometimes the
kits are for a
limited time free
or just disappear,
I will share
masks etc ONLY
if the tou of
the creator allows,
You can easily find
another mask or kit
to use in place of
what I have used
on my tuts, I write tuts
as I create a tag,

I hope you all
enjoy them and
I thank you
so much for
taking the time
to stop by my blog

People I follow


Leave me a note

Proud Member


Monday, October 13, 2014
I am hoping to get back into tutorial writing soon,
I have recently created

a new Halloween scrap kit so will tut it, I so appreciate
you all that have left me messages and supported me
through the past 2 years, They have been very hard on us both.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendships
and support


Saw your new kit and it looks amazingly awesome!! I understand how hard it has been, but me and the rest of the people who care for you and love you are always here for you. Keep your chin up. ((hugs)

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My License's

Suzanne Woolcott, TooshToosh, CILM, MPT, CDO, PTE, My Tag Art, My Tubed Art, Zindy Nielsen, PSP Tubes Emporium, Keith Garvey, PFD, I also enjoy FTU artist