My Blinkie

- Framed
- I LOVE Watermelon!
- Fairy's In the Greens
- An Artists Love
- I Dream of Butterflies
- Hawiian Fun!
- My Summer Escape
- Softly Pink
- Just so Delicious!
- Kathy's Little Garden
- Pretty as a Rose
- The Key
- It's All Black and White
- Janeann
- You are My Sunshine
- The Pink Masque
- Gorjuss In Wonderland
- Definitions
- Just A Spring Day
My TOU and Some Info
my tuts I dont tell
all my secrets lol
like how I do the
glow on a name etc.
I also have no
control over the
FTU supplies
I am sorry but
sometimes the
kits are for a
limited time free
or just disappear,
I will share
masks etc ONLY
if the tou of
the creator allows,
You can easily find
another mask or kit
to use in place of
what I have used
on my tuts, I write tuts
as I create a tag,
I hope you all
enjoy them and
I thank you
so much for
taking the time
to stop by my blog
Leave me a note
Just so Delicious!!!
Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Elias Chatzoudis
Scrap used Delicious by Polkadot Scraps
Font of choice I used Hey Gorgeous and Ashbury
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 850x750 and flood fill white,
(you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work)
Open PDS_D-paper2 c/p as a new layer , using your raster deform tool stretch it out at the sides to almost cover your white background and to squash it a bit at the top and bottom to show a bit of white background, now add a mask of choice, I used artmama's mask06
Now lets open PSD_D-frame4 c/p as a new layer, open PSD_D-frame1 and c/p as a new layer above your mask layer, resize this by 75% now duplicate this layer 2 times moving one towards the right and one towards the left,
Now lets open PSD_D-element8 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 35% Open PSD_D-element5 c/p as a new layer and resize by 20% open PSD_D-element4 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 20% duplicate this layer, now open PSD_D-element2 c/p as a new layer resize this by 20% layer duplicate, and on the duplicated layer image rotate to the right by 18%, arrange these to your liking you can use my tag as an example,
Now lets open PSD_D-element33 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 75% depending on your tubes you may have to erase part of the ribbon, or not it is your choice, Now lets open PSD_D-element13 c/p as a new layer, arrange to your liking,
Now grab your magic wand and click inside your green frame layer, selections modify, selections expand by 8, selections invert, opne PSD_D-paper1 and c/p as a new layer hit delete, layers move down below the frame layer, select none, now you can add your tubes of choice, hide your white background layer when you are satisfied with the tag and merge visiable.
I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
- Cora's Creationz (8)
- Created by Jill (14)
- Designs by Sarah (16)
- FTU (104)
- Graziela Mendes (13)
- PTU (326)
- Pimp my Tags with scraps (27)
- Pimp'd Designz (71)
- PolkaDot Scraps (62)
- Schnegge's Scraps (3)
- TammyKat Dezigns (6)
- X-Clusively Christy Designs (18)
- X-Clusively Christy Scraps (39)
Christy, this tutorial is awesome!! I especially love your gorjuss tag, hehe.
Love and hugs,
Janeann xoxo