The First Snowfall
This tut is dedicated to a dear sweet lady
Janeann, thank you so much for being such
a wonderful friend and for your support!!
Tube of choice, I used
Suzanne Woolcott and
Rion Vernon
Scrap used
First Snow by
Irene Alexeeva
Font of choice I used Filigree
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro,
All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity
with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.
Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white,
(you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work)
Open Ial_fis_paper04 resize this by 19% smartsize, c/p as a new layer
and apply a mask of choice, I used Becky_mask22
Now lets open ial_fis_frame4 c/p as a new layer and resize this
by 48% now rotate this to the left by 12%, now lets open
ial_fis_wooden_box, c/p as a new layer and resize this by
19% place to your liking, open ial_fis_tree1 c/p as a new
layer, arrange this layer below the box layer but above
the frame layer, resize by 19%, now open ial_fis_stone2
c/p as a new layer and bring this layer to the top, resize
by 9% now open ial_fis_berries4 c/p as a new layer
resize this by 9% and arrange near your rock, now lets
open ial_fis_berries1 c/p as a new layer and resize this by
10% arrange this layer below your other berries layer,
open ial_fis_berries3 c/p as a new layer arrange this layer below
your frame layer and resize this by 25% and arrange so it peeks
out from the left of the frame, duplicate and flip arrange together
now open the ial_fis_berries4 again c/p as a new layer
again below the frame layer and resize this by 25% and then rotate
to the right by 45% duplicate and flip this as well, now paste
again and resize by 25% now rotate to the right by 90% arrange
with the other berries, Open ial_fis_bird1 c/p as a new layer
bring to the top and resize this by 18% place on top of the
box, open ial_fis_bird2 c/p as a new layer and resize this by
18% place near the rock, now open ial_fis_fence2 c/p as
a new layer arrange this layer right below your frame layer
and resize this by 18% now lets open ial_fis_paper08
resize this by 19% c/p as a new layer right below your fence
but above the berries, arrange in the frame opening how you
would like, grab your magic wand and click inside the frame
opening, selections modify expand by 8 now selections
invert, go to the paper layer you just added and hit delete,
leave selected, now open ial_fis_snow1 c/p as a new
layer, right above your fence layer, resize this by 30%
you will have to do this a couple times to fill your frame
up, I also turned the opacity down on the snow layers a bit
too, open ial_fis_leaf c/p as a new layer and resize 13%
arrange this layer down with the berries layers, and have
it sticking out from behind the frame as well, I duplicated
mine and rotated it a bit as well to the right. now duplicate
again this time mirror it and place it near the bottom of your
box, when you are happy with your tag, add a dropshadow of
choice and a tube of choice, hide the white background
layer and merge visible.
I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info,
it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right
information and Save the way you prefer to save tags,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
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